January 16, 2015


We've started something big...

We've started getting things in order to become foster parents to babies. This has been something we've approached with wondering and searching hearts...is this the path we need to be on in our adoption journey? We don't know yet...

What we do know is that our hearts hurt learning about the hell these little survivors have been through. Imagine being taken out of your house, with your belongings in a trash bag, not knowing when you'd see your family again, and suddenly being in a place completely foreign to you. You can't help but to put all your worries and fears aside when you really and truely begin to grasp the magnitude of what these children have been through.

January 5, 2015

Hannah's Story

I loved this brave birth momma's story...

Hannah's Story from BraveLove on Vimeo.

January 3, 2015

Getting to know you...

I've always looooooooved pictures...photography has been my hobby for years. For the next 60 day's we're doing a fun Instagram challenge (check-out the hastag #hopingtoadopt60days) with other hopeful adoptive couples. Each day we're posting a different "getting-to-know-us" picture. #awesome #weloveadoption #hopingtoadopt Come follow along and get to know us better! Our instagram user name is: @amissingpieceofus 

January 1, 2015

What I choose to become...

Dear Birth mom, 

I wonder how 2014 was for you...? I'm not going to lie...2014 was a kinda hard year around here. It came roaring in like a beast, and brought us crashing to our knees. My body decided to rebel against me. Half my face suddenly over night was paralyzed with a nasty case of Bell's Palsy. I lost my confidence because of that silly illness...it took half of my smile. I also discovered I had low thyroid and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), and that derailed us off our path of growing our family through embryo adoption. I had always been healthy...why all of a sudden was my body going crazy?  So many times I wondered, asking God "WHY"?!?!

Looking back, and thinking where we were at this time last year, I can see what a blessing in disguise those trials I had have been. I'm realizing that those trials helped put us on this path to find our family. We started learning as much as we could about adoption. And we had time to start this here blog. We have absolutely loved writing to you, someday birth mom, and hope our words can be a help and comfort to you someday. 

Good-bye 2014, bring it on 2015! I'm so glad for what I am becoming because of those trials. I'm glad I didn't let all of those perceived setbacks get me down, but instead I let them take me where I needed to be!

Love you! Happy New Year!